Well, the old NFL combine (not unlike the "old fashioned 3 point play" that Steve Lavin mentioned on more than one occasion during last night's hoops game) has come to an end.
Todd McShay of ESPN says some stuff, jumps on the Vern bandwagon and then talks about some other stuff.
The big news, as far as you and I are concerned, wasn't Gholston's brute strength or even his speed, but that the reigning king of sacks at OSU might actually be a better NFL prospect than UVA's Chris Long. Long, for those who don't know, was an All-American DE on an otherwise lame Cavaliers team who has the NFL build and pedigree (read, Howie Long). In his defense, based strictly on appearance and the one Cavs game I saw last year, Long looks like he power curls Harley Davidsons and bathes in the tears of O-linemen.
Events in which Gholston bested Long:
- 40 -Yard Dash
- Bench Press
- Vertical Jump
- Broad Jump
Kirk Barton and Larry Grant were the other Buckeyes in Indianapolis for the combine. Grant, who is part of a LB class thought to be weaker than usual, had a decent showing. He excelled in the agility drills, particularly the 3-cone, making his case for a first day selection.

look, if an NFL wants a manbeast who will get to a quarterback faster than Rip to coke, they should draft Vernon Ghostface Killah. (I know, but I when I say it aloud it doesn't sound like Chris "I Suck At Reporting" Berman)
If a team wants the acting pedigree to Firestorm and shitty Radio Shack commercials, by all means, go Long.
Don't forget Broken Arrow where his shitty acting was trumped only by everybody's favorite scientologist John Travolta. Which reminds me, Dave are you a scientologist yet? I heard to become a resident of LA you have to confess your faith to scientology.
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