RichRod[man] is as bad as he wants to beRodriguez Gate continues to rage on in pages of the Detroit Free Press and Charleston Gazette. Taking important files to the shredders? Smear campaigns? Lawsuits? Is this the unmasking of a two-faced, carpetbagging politician or just another day at the office in the Michigan Athletic Department?
I could go on, but this guy digs into RodFace pretty good--and he's writing from Ann Arbor.
- Start packing for Miami now, friends. We're No. 1.
- Tressel and another coach, I believe Jim Bollman, were spotted in West Va. on Thursday, chatting up recruit Josh Jenkins. In this video he spits recruiting and Tresselisms, basically just use it as proof that Jenkins is one step closer to his destiny.
- Keeping with the West Virginnie theme, injury-prone OSU receiver Devon Lyons looks to transfer to WVU to be with his younger brother, Wes, whose file is locked away in RichRod's Geneva bank safe-box. Lyons and estranged WR Albert Dukes both came in with the 2004 recruiting class and, to say the least, have failed to live up to their hype.
- The courting of Terrelle Pryor by OSU: editor thinks T.P. will be in scarlet and gray next fall. He notes that the Buckeyes are gaining the edge by playing it cool while the Weasels are clearly desperate for someone, anyone, to jump start this "new era of Michigan football" we keep hearing about.
UPDATE: As I continue to learn more about web publishing, the intimidating girth of the internet's information sharing capabilities and the like, I will try to make improvements to Old Columbus Town that will (hopefully) make it more "visible" to search engines and social bookmarking sites. Make sense? Of it doesn't. In the mean time, look for new "features" (stuff to click on, in non-web speak) and other additions/changes to the site that will help shove this life-or-death information down the throats of Buckeye faithful everywhere.