UPDATE: Elvis has entered the building. According to Paul, Pryor made a brief, if not premature, entrance as the Buckeyes headed to the locker room for half-time. He exchanged greetings with the Brew Crew before ducking out of view with Tressel.
Doug Lesmerises of the Plain Dealer reports that Terrelle Pryor is in fact in Columbus today.
Lesmerises spotted everyone's favorite unsigned 5-star recruit heading into the Woody Hayes Center with a modest entourage that included football teammate and potential future Buckeye, Jordan Hall.
As posted by Move the Needle and reported by The Post Gazette, Pryor put on his Kobe face last night and had a huge, huge (a near triple-double in the FIRST HALF) game in the Penn. state tourney.
Traveling reporter Paul Germain offered an extra set of eyes at the Schott and has been phoning in updates, anticipating a red-carpet entrance by the boy wonder. With about 4 minutes left in the first, no sign of the QB recruit.
According to Paul, a few members of the Brew Crew are at the game as well, including O-lineman J.B. Shugarts who is already enrolled at The Ohio State University.
On day when Twig is sinking threes and Butler comes off the bench, anything seems possible.

Another stellar afternoon of reporting by the "Voodoo Buckeye Guru". Nobody knew if our favorite 6'4 california gypsy would still have his finger on the pulse of the buckeye nation despite being 2500 miles away, but he hasn't missed a step. Keep fighting the good fight El Jefe.
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