I pose this question only because the guys at Eleven Warriors staked claim to the more obvious, "Are you sick of hearing about Terrelle Pryor?"
Within the last 36ish hours, a relatively insignificant length of time when compared to the year's worth of strain this young man has put on the collective conscious of Buckeye Nation, these Pryor-related niblets have surfaced:
- Pryor is now choosing between only two schools: Them and Us
- Pryor may or may not announce his choice on Feb. 6, National Signing Day. Keep in mind that he's pushed this announcement back (at least) once before. It would be decidedly counterintuitive to ask how much more mileage this P.R. wizard can squeeze out of this delightful dilemma of his.
- Pryor's high school QB coach felt it necessary to share his "gut feeling" that the blue chipper will pick Ohio St.
- Pryor's importance to this OSU recruiting class has, against all odds, increased. Star Massillon RB DeVoe Torrence's scholarship offer is off the table. If you live in Stark County or haunt OSU recruiting boards, this should come as no surprise, as Torrence has been struggling with off-field (legal) problems for quite some time now. Although I'm not certain, I believe that, early in his recruiting, Torrence was 'promised' to be the only RB in the '08 class. He is/was thought to be that talented. RichRod is probably treating this kid's nephew to a round of mini golf and bumper boats as we speak.
Coincidently, today (Thursday) is also the return of JJ Abrams' masterwork, LOST. Abrams, who long ago handed the reins off to Damon Lindelhof and Carlton Cruse, is known for his large scale mindfucks. Cloverfield, which I, admittedly, have yet to see, is heralded as

In a similar fashion, Pryor--knowingly or not--is a one man hype machine. Like the LOST, he scatters nonlinear clues throughout interviews (episodes), playing the media hot and cold. Just when we think we've figured him out, he drops a season finale cliffhanger like "I'm 50-50 about pushing my announcement back."
I'm in negotiations with our friend, traveling reporter Paul Germain, to do a point/ counter-point debating whether Pryor will be a detriment or foundation stone to the Buckeyes if he comes on board.
Stay tuned...

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